Diversity & 领导项目

You can find ethical leadership and social justice principles in action at W&J学院多元化办公室 & 领导项目. det365app提供各种各样的项目, events, and opportunities for our community to explore the topics of race, gender, 性取向, 社会经济地位, and religion. 你会发现校园范围内的多样性和包容性活动,如每月的文化遗产庆祝活动, 以多样性和社会正义为重点的讲习班, 以及观点系列讨论.


多元化办公室 & 领导项目 collaborates with multicultural student organizations, 包括亚洲文化协会, 黑人学生会, 弯直联盟, Hillel, 拉丁美洲文化协会, to design and host initiatives to support the diverse identities of our students, faculty, and staff. 无论你怎么识别, 这里有你的空间,也有你与他人合作、参与活动和倡议的方式,以加强det365app的集体社区. Join us at any event and be part of the dialogue that makes our campus mission of scholarship, community service, 全球公民意识活跃起来.